Thursday, September 3, 2009

Meeting Modesty

Who is Modesty? (source unknown)

Who is Modesty? Webster describes her as “freedom from conceit or vanity” and “propriety in speech, dress and conduct.”
OK . . .
But who is she really?
She’s passionate about God and love. She seeks to build others up, encourage them and help them find a beauty beyond appearance. When she is worn, she doesn’t disappoint or make others feel uncomfortable. Never causing guys to stumble and lust. She lives and breathes true beauty.
She is subtle and pretty. She conforms to whoever puts her on and displays her beauty far better than makeup can. She doesn’t hide what makes us unique but highlights it, making us confident in every detail of who we are.
She is difficult and stubborn. She does not waver. Her standards can be high. She isn’t a follower. She’s a leader.
She is a great friend but hard to listen to. Her standards are above ours, and when we want to be like the world, she makes her opposition clear.
So Modesty introduced herself to me when I was 17, and we’ve had our ups and downs, but through it all I try to remember that she is here only to help me.
When I get up in the morning the first thing I put on is her, and then I make my clothing choices. Striving to make God smile. Not the world. Not lust. Not friends. Just God.
What about you? Have you met Modesty?

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